Monday, June 16, 2008

It's Official!

Now, to officially officiate the official launch of my new official blog I would like to present to you the officially new love of my life:


Yes, people. Feast your eyes on my brand new toy!

Okay you can close your mouth now. No, seriously. Stop drooling!

Anyways, it's actually a present from my aunt in Hong Kong. She called up my mom about a week ago saying that she's in KL and she has an iPhone for me. My reaction was quite predictable. My joyful shrieks could be heard all the way down my lane. Which probably caused a little kid to end up constipated.

Well me and my sexy new baby are off to go and get to know each other better. Ahh we're gonna make sweeeet love tonight!

(Apologies for the lousy pictures. Photography was never really my thing)

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